So I just shared with David a memory that I didn't even know I had. For those of you who would like to know MORE random little facts about me, here's a little story for you.
My mom used to have these friends in Little Rock named Rusty and Lois. Rusty had a ton of fish tanks all over his living room and Lois was bleached blonde and hopelessly thin. We spent a lot of our time there for about 6 or 8 months, then I never heard anything else about them.
I was probably only 10 or 11 when all of this took place, and my mom and Rusty and Lois would sit around the living room, talk a lot, and smoke a joint together. In heinsight, I should have been somewhere else, but I usually found myself in the middle of the room watching tv and catching hints of adult conversation here and there. We spent one fourth of July there and I almost caught their house on fire by lighting a roman candle (the one that shoots bright balls of fire) and aiming it upside down toward their bushes.
Anyway, one day we were spending time at their house and Rusty begins to talk about the "Dog Pound" club, or something like that. And they all had these incredibly cool nicknames, like TopDog and BigDog and BadDog. I wanted to be part of this club so bad. I also have no idea why I thought that this was cool, but again, I was 10 or so. I had badly permed hair and puffy bangs, and I coordinated green fold-down socks with green keds.
So in order to be part of the "Dog Pound" you had to eat dog food. I don't know how much, or why...but my mom told me that we could be so cool as some female-dog-name and "Pound Puppy". And we ate Milkbones as part of the initiation. I just ate a little piece, but my husband just found out that I have eaten dog food before. His response?
"Don't worry, I've tried one too."
"WHY?!" (I wanted to be cool and part of a group of middle aged stoners. What's his excuse?!)
"Just curious I guess...my dad did it first."
Parents are really bad influences.
This is my desktop right now. I have to think optimistically. Otherwise I'll run away to live with my friend Lucy in Hawaii. I mean, I still like the snow and all, but in my mind, snow = Christmas. holiday cards. Peppermint Mochas from Starbucks. All the way until the first week of January. But once the after-Christmas sales are over, I want to think about spring. Therein lies the problem. Spring is SOOOOOOOO far away. There is an inch and a half of snow on the ground. It's supposed to snow all week. Maybe longer. White valentine's day? Nonsense.
I'll go shopping to find more sweaters, since I've been wearing the 7 I own constantly since October. Do i find spring colored sweaters now that its 20 degrees outside? Nope.
Sandals. Skirts. Short sleeved shirts and halters. Bright new camisoles. BATHING SUITS.
Are you kidding me? I still look like the stay-puff marshmallow man. Layers upon layers upon layers. I can't even find winter clothes when I feel a little down. Only clothes that make me think about abandoning my loving husband and adorable puppy to live with one of my friends in Dallas. Oh, I realize that Texas has been under a little cold snap of its own, with snow and ice, but they have a light at the end of the tunnel. High in ann arbor: 29. High in Dallas: 45. High in Austin: 49.
Its supposed to snow and be gray until March. I'm starting to think about tanning beds. I'm looking into beach getaways. I don't know if I can do this for five years. I might have to go on anti-depressants or something.
BOO! I miss warmth. And sun. And the colors blue and green when they occur in nature.
Be forewarned. I may show up at your house and refuse to leave until the weather channel says the thermometers in Michigan have reached at least 60. I'm not even kidding.
On another note entirely...
David and I are now looking for a new apartment. Now, not only do we have to find one that allows Jack, has a washer and dryer and is reasonably close to Campus, but it also can not have stairs. Anywhere. Otherwise I might die.
Because I have a tendency to fall down them. Once head first, resulting in my head slamming into the wall and my elbow almost breaking the banister on the way down. Frequently on the way up, when I get ahead of myself and miss a step. Unfortunately, this one was witnessed twice in half an hour by Lizzy when she came to visit. And most recently, on my back the entire way down the stair case. My neck hit every step on the way down. I feel like I worked my back out with someone who recently won the strongman competition. So no more stairs. They're hazardous. If we buy a home, it can be ranch-style, sprawling across the neighborhood. Or david can install an elevator. Otherwise, I'm sleeping on the bottom half of the house.