We did a lot of cleaning. Well, David and I did. Jack did this. See how bored and unamused he looks with our efforts? That's because he didn't help.

Once people started showing up though, we had a blast. We had 10 people in our little apartment, a decent sized turkey, a ham, several sides, homemade bread, homemade beer, regular beer, and about 8 bottles of wine. When it was over, there was a few beers left, some turkey and ham, and a lot of dishes. It was a blast. I also learned that brining a turkey is a great idea, even though it does require some extra work. Anyway, here are some pictures from dinner.

This is Kevin and Georgie, our friends from England who are having a baby this February, and Megan and Joe, who are from Utah and are getting married this May.

This is Tom, Allison, Phil, and Michael, who go to school with David, and a picture of us later on that evening. Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving, too. I'm going to go start decorating for Christmas now!