Yesterday it started snowing. It was maybe an inch deep whenever I stopped paying attention, then this morning David and I got up to six or so inches of snow on the ground. There is somewhere between 8 inches and a foot now, and I had to practice driving around because I don't know if I'm going to be able to work from home tomorrow. I wouldn't think a 2 hour drive would be worth it, but who knows? Here are some pictures we took. It really doesn't illustrate the amount of snow we have here very well, though. Poor Jack is up to his belly when he goes outside. (As a point of reference, the first picture is the same view of the picture I took for Thanksgiving when it snowed!)

This fat little bird was perched on our balcony this morning. I don't know what he is, but it was cool to see it up so close. I'll also show you our Christmas decorations. They're a little sparse, but we're still gathering them! This is our (illegal...shhh...) Christmas tree. If you look closely, you can see a UofM ornament, and a bigger A&M one.

This is an extreme closeup of the wreath on our door.

These are the stockings I made this year. Poor Jack doesn't have one yet, but I'm working on it. Since we don't have a fireplace, we bought some hangers from Target and put them up on the bookshelf.

And this is the adorable nativity that David's parents gave us last year for Christmas. Not a ton of decorating, but we added a few this year and I guess we'll keep adding until it looks like Santa's workshop up in here.
I also had a Christmas puzzle, but it finally drove David a little crazy since it was on the coffee table so when I finished it I put it up for next year. Hope you are all warm and cozy! Maybe tomorrow I can work from home and build a snowman or something!