As compared with some of my girlfriends, I'd say my early pregnancy has gone pretty smoothly, and with minimal side effects. When I get hungry I get nauseous, but haven't thrown up yet, and I am SUPER TIRED ALL THE TIME. But nothing that has really brought my world to a grinding halt or anything. But this afternoon on the way home, I was SO hungry. Sure I had a granola bar and some fruit in my purse, but I thought a small cheeseburger from McDonald's sounded much better. They're only about 300 calories, so I figured I was doing as much damage as a bag of Doritos or something. While I was waiting in line my mom called. When I told her what I was doing, she yelled
I tried to explain that I was only having one baby cheeseburger, and she answered,
"Have you seen 'supersize me'? This is my first, only, unborn grandchild. Go anywhere else but not McDonalds."
Of course I didn't want anything else, but I figure my mom has a little more experience than I do in the baby making category so I pulled out of the line and took myself home. But not before pouting and telling her how mean she was for depriving a pregnant woman her first craving.