Thursday, December 21, 2006
Our journey south...
The top, oh, five adjustments included
1. Learning to live, full time, with a boy.
2. Learning to clean up after myself so that Dave didn't evict me.
3. Learning to think of my money and his money as "our money". Especially when I wasn't making much. Or any.
4. Moving. 3 times. in 8 months.
5. Learning not to take such a wonderful thing for granted. I'm a very lucky little girl. (He bakes! Any man that will bake you anything is worth mentioning. Really.)
Other, non-marriage related adjustments have all had to do with the weird places we've lived since getting hitched. Like how to survive with no one your age in realistic driving distance. Or how not to freeze to death. How to get over not having decent mexican food for miles and miles and miles. Stuff like that.
Monday, December 18, 2006

For some reason, the people that I work for insist on having me type up their dictated notes. It seems to me to be an incredible waste of both of our time, but today I really have nothing else to do so I don't mind.
Or at least I wouldn't, if people didn't insist on talking to me while I try to do it. I have to wear headphones and type what I can understand them saying, and meanwhile...EVERYONE tries to communicate with me while I do so. I can never hear them, and usually they are just talking to fill silence, which is unusually frustrating when I stop the tape, take off my earphones, and ask them to repeat whatever they said.
"Oh, I just said that I wish people wouldn't send these emails about game tickets to everyone" or "Oh, I was just saying that I liked the hat that the girl outside is wearing". Blarg. Rewind. Find my place. Someone else comes in to comment on the peanuts on my desk. "What!?!"
"Oh, I said these peanuts are spicy."
Why did I stop working to hear you say that. Especially when I just want to finish listening to the person droning on the tape in slow motion about research I don't really understand. In fuzzy mumbled words that I'm not sure if I heard quite right.
I'm thankful to have a job with people who are willing to be friendly and talk to me. I just wish they wouldn't do it when I have on headphones.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Its official...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Pretty, huh? Then a few days later, Christmas morning came. Okay, it isn't Christmas yet, but I got the exact same feeling in my chest that I did when I was five years old on Christmas morning because of this:

While Jack has a bit of the evil eye going on, you can plainly see that my backyard is covered in snow. And that my horticultural experiment from the summer has officially died. Sorry bell pepper plant. You were tasty.

Maybe the hat is a fashion don't, but it really doesn't matter when it's this cold out. I think the wind chill that night was 6 degrees or something awful. Yuck. Anyway, I thought I'd show you what winter looks like in the early winter. I'm told that by February I will just look like an sloppy eskimo and I will tan just to get some UV rays to inspire happy feelings, regardless of the fact that it is horrible for you and causes cancer. I hope it doesn't come to that.
Thursday, November 30, 2006

A S'mores maker. My obsession began two years ago when I visited Julia Oldenstadt in Washington D.C. and she took me to Cosi. We split a smores for two, cought up on old times, and inspired in me an obsession that cannot be quenched.
I crave them all the time now.
So, I've decided to crave them no more. Come December 26th, One of these will be under a tree somewhere with my name on the tag. David has been informed. I must have smores. (Available at Target). If you want to contribute some accessories, you can buy me a box of graham crackers, a bag of stay puff marshmallows, or if you really want to be fancy, a bar of Hershey's candy.
This Christmas will be merry.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Already a sad attempt...
To think, the things that could be accomplished if I filled the entire work day with productive tasks. But since I need major instruction on how to do said tasks, and my teachers are m.i.a., blogs are my new hobby. Especially people who I don't really know, or perhaps knew at one time but have lost touch with. They are fascinating. I would read the blogs of people I do know, but they are either not on the bandwagon, or update far too infrequently (ahem..Michelle). I would probably freak a few folks out if they knew how dedicated I am to reading their online diaries, but I learn SO MUCH from a few of these women. You see, very few of my friends are married, and of those who are, they are excruciatingly busy carrying out life. Babies, parents, jobs, hobbies...and thus I learn little from their experience.
But these women with the blogs...they are the stay-at-home type. They have babies, too, and I learn a little every day about their struggles to keep them fed, entertained, and well disciplined. I am forming my own theories about raising a family from reading theirs. They are wise, and funny, and make me look forward to the day when I have kids to share with the world. I mean, between David and I we should be able to make some fairly fascinating people. He is a super brilliant, guitar-playing, quirky cutie and I am a scatterbrained chatterbox of a woman who tries to reinvent my personality about 6 times a year.
Will I be a vegetarian? A musician? Martha Stewart? Give me a year and I'll try to cycle through them all.
Now shrink and combine those attributes into toddlers. So exciting. And who knows where we'll be by then. Arkansas? Texas? Michigan? Siberia? Only time will tell.
Anyway, I'll try to keep on top of things. Let you know my hairbrained ideas and the lessons I learn from strangers who live in Texas.
An example of the former: About 30 minutes ago I was thinking about what my life would be like if I started going by another name. You see, I was thinking yesterday that someday "Nicki" might sound as unappealing as "Micky" or "Tonya" or "Tamra". Perhaps I could formalize or shorten my name somehow so that I sound more mature. Herein lies the problem: Nicki is already short for Nicole. I can't start going by Nicole for two reasons. One, that's my sister's name, and Two, I don't like it any better than Nicki. I can't go by my middle name, because it's a weird name (Dennette) that sounds either really really redneck, or like I'm trying really hard to be enter the adult entertainment business. Bleh. So What if I used another derivative of Nicole...Like "Cole"? I'm not seriously considering changing my name, but I accidentally thought about something stupid for too long and it lead me to try out "Cole Ingram". I am rediculous.