Pretty, huh? Then a few days later, Christmas morning came. Okay, it isn't Christmas yet, but I got the exact same feeling in my chest that I did when I was five years old on Christmas morning because of this:

While Jack has a bit of the evil eye going on, you can plainly see that my backyard is covered in snow. And that my horticultural experiment from the summer has officially died. Sorry bell pepper plant. You were tasty.

Maybe the hat is a fashion don't, but it really doesn't matter when it's this cold out. I think the wind chill that night was 6 degrees or something awful. Yuck. Anyway, I thought I'd show you what winter looks like in the early winter. I'm told that by February I will just look like an sloppy eskimo and I will tan just to get some UV rays to inspire happy feelings, regardless of the fact that it is horrible for you and causes cancer. I hope it doesn't come to that.
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