So. Yeah. Other goings on have been hiding things from Elliott now that he can climb on our furniture, rescuing crayons from his mouth, hiding the mops and brooms, and trying to convince him to eat something besides crackers and fruit. He's almost mastered stairs, which is terrifying, and he's starting to say lots of words, which are becoming harder and harder to say no to.
Mo? (More)
Peees (Please)
Tish (Kiss) - He uses this to manipulate more time from bedtime. It works.
EEEEAAAATTT (Eat, Hungry, Breakfast, Snack)
Teey! (Kitty!)
Tees (Teeth)
Hasses (Glasses)
Iss (fish)
OH? (phone, or any object that could resemble a phone)
Bup (drink, cup)
Baaee (bye)
He can also wink (except he uses both eyes), dance, sing along with Itsy Bitsy Spider, and destroy the shelf that houses his toys in seconds flat. He finally likes to go on the slide at the park, and LOVES other kids. He likes most people, but especially of the younger and older variety, since he gets the most attention from them. He flirts with ladies when we go out to dinner, says "Haaiiii" to burly men with big beards or bald heads, and chases little girls while chattering and trying to imitate their conversations.

It's fun around here, but also challenging, and tiring, and filled with head scratching as we try to figure out Elliott's frustrations and how to get him to stop climbing the walls.
I made it, Nick! It's mom.....love the farm photos and great pics of you guys.. Sorry, mom has been very busy with kids too. Took kids (except Charlee, who has been at Hannah's all week) tubing at Lake Norrell yesterday. Had a blast. Got to see my grandson, so I will skpe you guys in a minute. Love you all
OMG! 16 months already my little nephew growing up i hope he loves the hat
Love Aunt Charlee
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